In the Media

DEMOCRACY DREAMERS: Draper Hills Summer Fellows Class 2017

Mudhawi's List and the fight for women's rights

Kuwait's new all-male parliament is a blow for women's rights

Kuwait goes to the Polls: Discussing the 2020 Parliamentary Elections (Webinar)

Dr Alanoud Alsharekh co-chairs T20 Task Force 9 on Migration and Youth

Kuwait After Emir Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah

Realities of Female Empowerment

On the Middle East with Andrew Parasiliti "GCC rift ‘pained the late Emir the most"

Dr Alanoud Alsharekh interviewed on AlMajlis TV on Eithar's role in the passing of Kuwait's domestic violence law

The Influencers - Social Media Influencers

Munjiza platform video

Thriving in the Space of Gender Equality

Kuwait Amir congratulates activist on BBC's '19 influential woman recognition

Kuwaiti activist among BBC's 100 influential women 2019

Disempowerment of Women is Systematic: Dr Alanoud Al Sharekh

BBC 100 women 2019: Who is on the list this year?

Amir lauds political activist - Arab Times

Kuwait parliament speaker congratulates Kuwaiti woman activist on BBC recognition

Kuwait plans for future after oil with mega-projects

From Kuwait to America, Gender-Based Killings Considered Less Than Murder

Honor Killings and Women’s Rights

Essentially Kuwaiti: Empowering all Women in Kuwait

Ibtkar's EKWIP Program Kuwait Training

AlMajliss TV coverage of Ibtkar's EKWIP launch
Watch on AlMajliss TV

Interview with Dr. Tahani Al-Mutairi in a program "Alhayat Alwaan" on Kuwait Radio

Head of Kuwait's Women and Family Affairs Committee, Safa al Hashem thanks Dr. Alsharekh for her efforts to end violence against women

Driving Forward: Women in the Gulf Assess a Changing Landscape - Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington

NATO PA: CDS PCNP Visit to Kuwait, Nov. 2017
The joint delegation of the NATO PA Committee on the Civil Dimension of Security and the Sub-Committee on NATO Partnerships consisted of 16 legislators from 9 NATO member states and was led by NATO PA Vice-Presidents Vitalino Canas (Portugal) and Metin Lütfi Baydar (Turkey). The delegation met with the speaker of the National Assembly, H.E. Mr Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanim, members of the National Assembly, the Assistant Foreign Minister for International Organisations, Ambassador Nasser Al Hayen, and the leadership of the National Security Bureau of Kuwait and NATO-Kuwait ICI Centre. Additional meetings included exchanges with experts of the Saud Al-Nasser Al-Sabah Diplomatic Institute and the American University of Kuwait, as well as civil society representatives.

The fight for women's empowerment in Kuwait: An interview with Abolish 153

#Metoo Hashtag also Trending in the MENA Region: “Modesty Doesn’t Stop Harassment”

KTV2 Interview on CEDAW and civil society

Al Bayan Bilingual School, Graduation 2017

Al Bayan Bilingual School, Graduation 2017

List of the top 20 Arab Activists for 2017

Monte Carlo Doualiya

DP: Does Passion Need A License Powering The Creative Economy Nuqat 2016

العنود الشارخ: نتطلع لمشاركة فعالة أكثر للمرأة في المجلس والحكومة
Al Qabas, القبس الالكتروني

البرامج التدريبية تطور الشباب
Al Qabas, القبس الإلكتروني

د.العنود الشارخ تتحدث عن نجوم الاعلام الجديد وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي
on mbc

Abolish Article 153 Symposium Women And Social Change - Part 1
Watch on Youtube

Journey: Dr. AlAnoud AlSharekh مسيرة د. العنود الشارخ
Watch on Youtube
Announcement of guest editing spot for Buraq Magazine

Taking part in Great Ormond Street Hospital Cultural Training for Staff

Launch of Book at Kuwait University’s Women’s Research and Studies Center

Taking part in the Eighth Global Competitiveness Forum

Lecture at Nuqat 2014

Meeting students from Tuft and Colorado Universities at the Women's Cultural and Social Society
Interview with Al Anbaa Newspaper

Speaking at the Woman & Parliament Forum
Special “Voice For Success” video by en.v
Watch on YouTube
Interview with Al Anbaa Newspaper

Lecture in IISS, London